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[2025-02-27] ZZT: The 101 Beans Against the Bears

Started by RT-55J, Thu, 2025 - 02 - 27, 10:30 PM

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QuoteWe got a new game to add to the ZZT page today! The title is a bit of a mouthful though: The 101 Beans Against the Bears.

I made the game for the Winter '25 2.4 Hours of ZZT jam. It took me a few minutes longer than the time limit to finish it (and the main version presented on the itch page was made the day after), but I think it turned out pretty well. If nothing else, it is pretty silly. :3c

Note that the this jam will also have "Spring" (April) and "Summer" (May/June) events, so even if you missed this one you can still participate in the the future. (Also the jamrunner is really chill, so you can probably submit something now regardless of the alleged deadline.)