put your random thoughts here like you're on twitter or posting from your shower
Francis Ford Coppola's Megalovania
kung fu with Hung Sue
Microsoft should astroturf some Zune nostalgia amongst tech YouTubers and then release Halo for the thing.
Halo for Zune
Halo for Zune
femb themb
Wanna feel old? The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom came out last week.
Ah yes, you say you hate lard, but you have animal fat inside of you. (I am very intelligent.)
I don't know the lyrics to Bad Apple, so my brain automatically fills in every line with the phrase "Let the bodies hit the floor" on repeat if I'm listening to an instrumental version.
MMR Brain Fog
Brain Frog
when i can't see outside: "wow it sure is froggy today!!"
silent frolf
hierarchy of needs
hierarchy of wants
hierarchy of really really really wanna zig-a-zig ahhhhs
hierarchy of inevitabilities
hierarchy of bees
hierarchy of neens
sometimes, bad things happen to good people.
other times, bad people happen to good things.
Woodie B. Dope
Sunsoft named their NES Metroidlike "Ufouria" when the word is spelled "Euphoria". Are they stupid??
low% grumb (vlop route)
da grunglah
SM hack
difficulty: vanilla
genre: spoof
3.69/5 orbs
TAS - Tool-Assisted Speedrun
TaaS - Tickling as a Service
Know The Difference
da fumblah
controller that is impossible to hold
cryptocurrency miners are literally mammon machines
put the lime (bytes) in the coconut (rom file)
you call doom an "ego shooter," and yet it was made by "id software." curious...
Disney's Afantasia (126 minutes of silence with a blank screen)
Hurricane Milton's Paradise Lost
probababy (probability baby)
this house is made of metaphors
bisexual lightning
FILM THEORY: Babe: Pig in the City, Happy Feet, and Mad Max all take place in the same universe.
grunkle stand
"This is the Nostalgia Critic. I remember it so you remember it."
this is the nalgia cric. i rember it so you :smug:
:hey: hey babe. wanna buy a sundial?
:hey: Welcome to Bad Burger, home of the Bad Burger. We will not be taking your order.
When Hurting Helps: A Sadist's Guide to Philanthropy
five hundred o'clock
demake + remake = dremake
"Touch grass" you say? Heheheh. I'm already three stomachs ahead of you...
aussie Ozzy awsy oughsy
if you plan on having a cartoon dinosaur carry your casket to your grave, you can say in all earnestness that yoshi is a hearse.
i had a good one but i forgot it
happens to the best of us :cry:
i need to actually codify these
bramble scramble
brumble scrumble
bromble scromble
brimble scrimble
bremble scremble
brymble scrymble
sometimes it legitimately worries me that what I'm doing is actually just clanging
clanging? do you mean conlanging?
The Three Musketeers should just retire right now. Like, I had no problem with them pivoting from gun's to chocolate, but at this point they've been at it for so long that it's clear their skills are rapidly deteriorating.
Quote from: RT-55J on Tue, 2024 - 10 - 15, 09:13 AMclanging? do you mean conlanging?
clanging is like word salad but less salady
your ""credit score"" is actually a measure of how reliable of a "pay pig" the bank thinks you are. keep this in mind.
the fact that the ancient Greeks could have invented pinball but didn't indicates, contrary to their reputation in some circles, that they were a bunch of weenies
Quote from: RT-55J on Wed, 2024 - 10 - 16, 12:40 PMyour ""credit score"" is actually a measure of how reliable of a "pay pig" the bank thinks you are. keep this in mind.
I'm so good at paying just let me have a house please :smug:
"autist" is a valid name for a robot in Metroid 2/5
The Grundler
brain must have been clean today, no new brain garbage
we are reaching levels of brain sanitation never before seen in human history :smug:
never before neen? :smug:
bgf: boygirlfriend
alternatively, background friend
BGF: Big Guardian Force
fire station? yeah sure i'll listen to that
Eris Possible
(it's just eris. just normal eris. eris is possible)
Sam in the place where the post,
now here's Sam
Sam is going to be on the ground
Sam is there to Sam you around
Full parody song would be fun :smug:
"telephony" (rhymes with stephanie) would be a pretty decent absurd baby name
Xenia the Linux fox girl is perhaps one of the greatest character designs ever made and she is my wife now okay
congrats on your new wife :glee: ^_^ :glee: ^_^ :glee:
SUPER METROID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Soup, or Metroid?
I'll have Soup AND Metroid!
what does the P stand for on the Mario P Switches
it's a reference to the Mario character "Phil Board" who was first given a proper introduction in Super Mario Galaxy several years later
i have no idea what you're talking about but it's funny
( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtIdvSzBK8Y )
bowla granola
VapeGurt: Yogurt for Your Vape :TM:
cliff burton redux
When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs
Every morning to help me get large
And now that I'm grown I eat no dozen eggs
Because of the prices they charge
i've lied about being religious to get out of awkward conversations at the bus stop twice now and i really hope i don't have to do it a third time
if you're not catholic or protestant in america you can just say "(x) is against my religion" and people will believe you at least 70% of the time
the only problem with this lifehack is that lying is against my religion
Pretty woman
Walkin' down the street
Pretty woman
She's got real big feet
feet are against my religion
"A sequel titled Heavy Metal 2000 (2000) was released in 2000."
The Blues Brothers 2000 (film) was released in 1998, while the Blues Brothers 2000 (N64) was released in 2000.
I think it's clear which version is more deserving of the title.
whoahg, i'm a Full Member now. cool
sworn gamer testimony
the biggest ball of twine in minnesota by weird al yankovic has been stuck in my head all night
Article: Here's how Kamala Harris can still be president!!!!
Text: Joe Biden just needs to die/resign within the next 60 days.
was the SEARCH always there? seems new, but maybe not
toas to the hoas who oas the moas roas
i have a NSFW thought to clean out of my brain. s do we have spoiler tags or what's the deal?
Spoiler tags are on my mental list of things to add. I just haven't bothered looking for the plugin.
i decided against it anyway. gotta keep it clean :smug:
the janitor thanks you for your cleanliness :smug:
i dscovered another person i went to high school with that's a twitch streamer. small whirled...
my "hack" tour of italy is not actually a romhack, but rather just a playground for italians
MCU refers to Marvin's Cinematic Universe, which contains all your favorite characters such as Ron Man, Tor, Kappa Meerkat, Black Windows, the Uncredible Honk, Archer, Block Panter, Captain Marvin, Spud-Man, etc.
What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain a whole pile, and lose his own secrets? -- Dracula, probably
Quote from: RT-55J on Mon, 2024 - 11 - 18, 07:31 AMmy "hack" tour of italy is not actually a romhack, but rather just a playground for italians
i think i'm irrationally upset over that review. i guess i have a grudge... feels bad man.
I'm not gonna tell you to hold on to a grudge, but you're not wrong. It is a pretty stupid review.
Microsoft is short for "Mike Rowe and His Soft Boys"
Quote from: RT-55J on Mon, 2024 - 11 - 18, 07:31 AMmy "hack" tour of italy is not actually a romhack, but rather just a playground for italians
hack tour, spit on that thangi'm very sorry.
girl who uses volumizing shampoo but can't sleep because now she's able to hear all of her hair strands arguing with each other
^ truly a post of our time
super metroid based dating site
every day i get a little closer to being horny on main
Quote from: neen on Sun, 2024 - 11 - 24, 04:39 PMsuper metroid based dating site
the only permitted form of communication would be super metroid gameplay footage, along with an option to reveal your address in response
:hey: if they playin' Eris
five guys burgering fries
six guys is better
(what did i mean by this?)
more guys, more fries, you can't just keep going infinitely... It has to stop somewhere!!!
las vagus nerve
Hedgehog/Human Shipping - KNOW THE DIFFERENCE
Shadow/Maria - "Awww... how sweet..."
Sonic/Elise - "Hello!? Human resources?!"
okay here's an image version of the above post feel free to share it without attribution
if there's going to be a holiday called "milk day", why would you NOT expect me to make a joke about "milking your friends"??? this stuff writes itself
Look at this yiffy theme!
caves of qud
caves of cud (moo)
brain garbled/rebicycling
Bane Capital
[ lazy photoshop of mittens romney with bane's mask thing ]
to a white supremacist, this is a "supreme" pizza:
[ picture of the most undercooked, cardboardy cheese pizza from the freezer you can imagine ]
Metaphor: ReFantazio, also known as Regicide Squad,
He sees you when you're sleeping
He sees you when you're awake
He sees you if you've been bad or good
He sees you for goodness' sake!
he's seeing a list, he's seeing it twice
he's gonna see who's naughty and nice
Santa Claus is seeing the town
everything changed when the tar nation attacked
when u say "haters be damned", what u r really saying is "i wish eternal torment upon my haters." be careful who u say this to
the toki pona community has been awfully quiet ever since this dropped:
Indiana Jones and the Big Ball
sometimes u just gotta covet an object
human brains are simply not wired to process the sentence "the muppet version of the christmas carol is the most faithful adaptation of the book to film" as a true statement
adrian dittmann vs pierre delecto cage fight
instant game idea: make that into a hack of pit fighter
the grundler is real
*crying, sobbing* Come on baby... do the locomotion... :cry: :cry: :cry:
locomoji :smug:
Quote from: RT-55J on Wed, 2025 - 01 - 01, 02:27 PMadrian dittmann vs pierre delecto cage fight
genuinely disappointed to find out that mr. dittmann is not actually musk's alt account
yin and yeag
i think i drank some gender fluid
lemme know how that goes
imagine how different the world would be if they tested the atomic bomb at Skibidi Atoll instead...
@RT-55J your forum is still working
:smug: proud to be of service
sorry for double posting :smug:
:smug: :smug:
Quote from: neen on Thu, 2025 - 01 - 23, 07:09 PMsorry for double posting :smug:
you are forgiven :smug: :smug:
most of my brain garbage in the past day or so has been nsfrtf (not safe for rt's forum)
intense 600 page argument over whether the Antikythera mechanism was invented by a trans person or if the first trans person was a user of said computer
bravely default? yeah, i'm always bravely defaulting on my loans
"my friends or the internet"? i choose the internet :smug:
their probably pretty uniforms? they're probably pretty uniform
oh i totally forgot to post here about "frudgular"
she elongate my muskrat until i [USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST]
eggs was poached for this post
society for creative slope-achronism
when i become president, i will campaign on the platform of "pizzas should be advertised by area, not diameter"
Heiankyo Allen (Heiankyo Alien x Tim Allen crossover)
Opera GX? Did you mean Opera Gex?
"i'm sick and tired of how music these days caters to mankind's bass desires"
(fish music)
Quote from: RT-55J on Tue, 2025 - 02 - 04, 11:07 AM"i'm sick and tired of how music these days caters to mankind's bass desires"
You'll Never Believe This One Weird Trick To Satisfy Your Lover's Bass Desires
(fish recipe)
all about that bass
(fish restaurant)
Reevaluate your language:
❎ - "This meeting could have been an email."
☑️ - "This meeting could have been a post on Samantha Arantes' Bulletin System."
very little brain garbage to clean up lately, i think it's all draining into the snes program
finally, brain sanitation
no one knows the difference between the SMS and SNES
Sakuya Izayoi vs The Flash DEATH BATTLE
Not all is skibidi in Ohio and rizz.
ADHDMA Transfur
I subscribe to the "stupider-smarter approach" to game design. Just do really stupid things with a sufficient level of craftsmanship and people will call you an unsung genius. :smug:
filibuster is short for "philidelphia buster", which is uncle sam's signature move in fatal fury
Happy Presidents Day! Don't forget to hug your favorite president! Make sure to give 'em a full reach around!
alright, where's the president of this forum :smug:
you ever wonder why the snake in the snake game (every platform ever) is always depicted as eating apples? it's actually a bible reference!
the real reason the serpent tempted eve to eat the apple is because it was hoping she'd break off a piece small enough for it to eat #BibleTrivia
metaphorically speaking of course
this thread has 29 thousand views. the people love brain garbage
Brain Garbage is The People's Garbage
brain recycling is better for the brainvironment tho
this forum is cool :smug:
Within the next decade, Redditors (or their future equivalents) will start saying "T-Pose for me monmy."
it's like being stepped on, but less physically violent? i'm in
Yeah. Zoomers are always talking about "t-posing to assert dominance"
Statler and Wonderwaldorf
clean-burning brain produces no garbage
a brain garbages a day keeps the doctor away
i want shorter less polished hacks made by people paid more to do less and i'm not kidding
Bill Nye with Thunder Thighs
I'm here for it
hey google did alf ever take a shower?
I have no idea how my train of thought generated that sentence when I was driving to work today, but it certainly did.
We don't know much about them, but we're sure Snorb is great.
Snorb is great. :glee:
you have so many friends
ur a nice friend
a nice friend isit
GoGurt Power Rangers!!
:hey: :catgirl:
If you ever see a basketball off the side of the road, leave it there. If you give it a chance, it might just sprout into a fully-fledged basketball hoop. :grin:
johnny basketseed travelled the continent planting balls