vidcons (aka "videogames") have so many crates that some pundits used to rate the creativity of games using the "start to crate" metric. this is because gamedevs yearn for the simple pleasures of a warehouse
now, with all the warehouselike areas in vidcons, why are there never any gaylords in them? did someone steal them all? are devs to scared to model their interiors? is some sort of conspiracy afoot?
i need answers. gaylord answers.
what the hell is a gaylord
Quote from: sanctumsys on Sun, 2024 - 11 - 10, 02:33 AMwhat the hell is a gaylord
A "gaylord" is a large, heavy-duty, open-top box used for a variety of warehousing purposes. The name comes from the guy/company that originally manufactured them.
Note: The "lids" shown in these pictures are typically put on the bottom of the gaylord to increase their structural integrity (for moving them around with dollies and such)
i've worked in a warehouse and i've still never seen one of those before
Now you're gonna tell me you've never seen a Nutting Truck smh:
we might have had one of those but no one ever called it a nutting truck. those cowards
yeah. i never knew those were called nutting trucks until just the other day lol.
we live in a world where someone can say "it's your turn to load the gaylords onto the nutting truck" in a professional context, and i think that's just beautiful.
sorry I'm late :smug:
I've mostly seen gaylords in supermarkets, like holding watermelons, or full of awful dvds, or something like that. they are almost always atop a skid, for maximum mobility
this gaylord here is completely unrelated to the kind of gaylord being referred to in the OP, but i think she is great:
she makes good videos
I'm going to reiterate: She makes really good videos.
she's so cool i want her to be my aunt