New users, please introduce yourself in this topic (doing so is required for posting).
Tell us what brings you here, your favorite foods, what you like doing, how long you've been around the block, and whatever else you are willing and able to divulge.
my name is neen, i can be seen, in this chair i am lean
ing back, i had a snack, test post please ignore
Hello, it's me veni vidi ascii. I like games and coding etc.
I'm here on personal invitation from this site's longstanding founder.
As far as my age, I had a geocities website when I was eleven, back when it was legal to have a geocities website at that age.
hello i'm "eska"
i'm just ducking my head in to see a new forum
i used to really love a lamington but i don't eat cake so often these days
i love to fret!!
so many new faces here!!! :o :o :o
welcome welcome everyone!
I am tulpa here to pop my head in and see what's happening
Hi Tulpa, sorry to make you do that.
AspiringTricknologist here. Got sort of trashed after a shift of substitute teaching while using a new computer and browsing neocities, thought it was neat that you made a forum to go along with your site. Good work, homie
Thank you! :D
Setting this forum up was a major learning experience for me. I wish I had documented the process a bit better, but I'm glad I could manage to handle all of the command-line stuff needed to get this working on my own.
This is Alberto. I am old, and I like Indian food and programming... and music... and math... and being pretentious
I am Cania, nonbinary flim flam floating on the world wide ocean. I like forums. My computer is in my basement but I hung pastel rainbow fluffy blankets everywhere and put up RGB gamer lights so it's actually quite nice down here.
that sounds cozy :3
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@squidgrass !!
is that image from a wonderswan hebereke game??
The arcade version! Other games and ports have also very nice versions of the atlas.
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Quote from: RT-55J on Mon, 2024 - 09 - 30, 09:22 PMNew users, please introduce yourself in this topic (doing so is required for posting).
Tell us what brings you here, your favorite foods, what you like doing, how long you've been around the block, and whatever else you are willing and able to divulge.
do i haaave to?
okay, fine. i'm sanctumsys/Rem. i'm here because i left the discord server lmao. favorite foods include sour cream and diced onion wrap, peanut butter and yogurt, sugar-free sodas and sushi. i like games that people often refer to as "objectively bad", "dogshit" and "the worst game i've ever played in my life" as well as some people generally agree are pretty cool; i also make music and other art i've existed for 22 years. i generally prefer realtime chat software (yeah, i'm a bit of a zoomer) but i've given forums a go (had a bad experience on one and a pretty good experience on another). i'm also very, very neurodivergent and queer. cool to see some familiar people around. a picture of how i currently choose to represent myself on the internet may or may not be attached, mainly because i forgot to turn on javascript for this site and as such can't clear attachments
Quote from: sanctumsys on Sun, 2024 - 11 - 10, 02:29 AMa picture of how i currently choose to represent myself on the internet may or may not be attached, mainly because i forgot to turn on javascript for this site and as such can't clear attachments
According to the error log in the admin console, the picture you tried to upload exceed the max filesize in the forum's configuration.
Given how threadbare the current hosting situation is here, I am not inclined to raise that limit quite yet.